Healing Trauma with Polistic Yoga Academy

Trauma lives in the body and Polistic Yoga can help move it out!

If you have tried loosing weight and can't, or constantly feel overwhelmed, you could have stagnant trauma in your body causing these imbalances. 

Polistic Yoga is a rewiring of the body and mind and in this online series you will actively move trauma out of the body for greater health and wealth. 

In this series you will:

  • Identify where your trauma is hidden 
  • Have action steps to changing the body’s response to trauma 
  • Plan of action for when PTSD, or other symptoms from trauma arise 
  • Rebuild confidence in your body and the world 
  • Create a safe space to nurture your mind, body and soul

Heal Trauma and UPGRADE your REALITY in every way! 

Stronger body!

Stronger mind!

Stronger ability to handle the curve balls! 

Polistic Yoga is a somatic, movement meditation experience that expands you into your full "POLE-TENTIAL! 

PLUS you receive EPIC Bonus Content! 

BONUS Download of Why is this Happening Again? A groundbreaking book on inner healing! ($19.99 Value)

BONUS ACCESS To POWER POSTURE and PLEASURE signature series to unlock your POWER, define your POSTURE and tap into your PLEASURE! ($997 Value)

BONUS Download of the Polistic Yoga Guide and Polistic Poster to print at home! ($49 Value)

BONUS Guide on 50 tips to overcome trauma in the moment ($97 Value)  

Polistic Yoga is a somatic, movement meditation experience that puts the body into a flow state, where it comes into balance and in alignment. 

Each session you will be guided through a different layer of healing to assist in your overall wellness journey. 

Tap into your rhythm and harmony and unlock magic in your life. 

Sign Up Today and Start Healing