Mana in the Meta 

Manifest Your Best Life!

Come POWER UP with us, and co-create your best life together. 

Our Polistic community is full of support, encouragement and connection. 

When you become a member, you become family. 

Mana in the Meta is an exclusive 6 month program from January- June in 2022.

What can you create with support, alignment and strength the next 6 months? 

Join us on the inside now.

Enroll now to become a VIP Platinum Member to unlock this 6 month container or join now for only $997 for the entire 6 months!  

The online Polistic Yoga studio is always open in the Academy. 

Train with Jennifer on your own time, then step into the group fully aligned with your authentic self. 

Namaste at the Pole - Jennifer

Are you into masterminding and consciously manifesting your best life?

Do you love vision boards, mantras and affirmations?

What about flow movement and meditation? 

If your soul said “yes” to any of this, join us in the Metamorphosis

We are energy beings. Before we even open our mouth, the other person can feel your energy. In Polistic Yoga we tune our energy into harmony and flow. We use affirmations and mantras to align with a deeper purpose. 

If you have ever been a part of a mastermind group, you know the POWER. Now, take that power and combine it with Polistic Yoga. 

It is a POWERFUL combination that is sure to elevate you existence to the next level! 

This series is included with your Polistic Yoga Academy Membership!

You get all the benefits of On-Demand Polistic Yoga Classes as well as weekly live classes with Jennifer AND VIP complimentary access to all the new content and workshops offered in the Academy! Now is the best time to enroll and start your journey to a healthier you and elevate your existence!

Purchase price for non-members